On a brighter note

acrylic on canvas board, slightly altered on the computer

Fellow Jafa pal Nancy and I watched the Jackson Pollock movie starring Ed Harris and I thought I would give dripping a try. Hum! What is it people say about it being easy? It isn't a horrible effort, but it doesn't have the lyrical qualities that a Jackson Pollock painting has. Seeing his huge paintings in the real is magnificent. There is just something about them that makes them sing, the layers, the touches of colour, the balance. and the scale of it.

I have added a new art blogger who specializes in abstract expressionism on my side bar: pollocksthebollocks, check out his current painting, it is YUMMY. I really liked "Journey at Sunset" on his gallery page!


Casey Klahn said…
I tried to rent the movie, and the clerk said, "Polock!" Good one.

Good job doing the drip painting! You are an inspiration.
david santos said…
Hello, Jabrabit.
Great picture, very pretty.
Thank you
Philip said…
Yes it's a great film - Ed Harris is so like him it's untrue.

I would like to see the unaltered version if possible - i.e. without the computer alterations!
Anonymous said…
Thanks for the comment Jafabrit, much appreciated. It is a great film, really enjoy the colours. Nice attempt at dripping it isn't that easy is it
jafabrit said…
thanks casey, now I wish I could inspire myself. I have been going spare for the last three days trying to work out a project for a show. I just can't seem to pull it together at all, arg! moan! mutter!

hey, thanks for dropping by david :)

Ed Harris was amazing Philip, and I just loved watching him paint in the movie. As you can see I posted the unaltered version at the bottom of the post.

Your welcome pollock :) and no it isn't that easy. I had fun with it, but I was too conscious of what I was doing and wasn't able to get the looseness or balance. Doing something like this always reminds me of how challenging abstract is and a continued appreciation for abstract art.
Cynthia said…
I also enjoyed the movie and the bigger than life characters (artists & critics). I never have tried a drip painting - now that it's getting cold outside, that might be a fun thing to try.

I have seen some J.P.'s in the Boston Museum of Fine Art and they're so much better in person!
Count me in as a vote who liked the movie. I like Ed Harris anyway, but think he did a great job in this movie.

Its nice to hear your comments about seeing his work. I've only seen it in magazines. I like your painting.
Anonymous said…
If you want to try some more fun Jafabrit with Pollock experiments try this fun flash. Just click and move the mouse and click again to change colour. You can print screen and crop in Photoshop and then upload to your website.

You can find the link on my blog by clicking on 'interactive Art' in the categories or just go straight to the site here:
L.M.Noonan said…
The movie was good--but oh so depressing. Poor Lee Krasner. I've got something over at my place for you to pick up...hope you like it
Kathleen Brake said…
Thank you for your nice comment on my blog and your help on Wetcanvas.
I've never tried drip painting. It looks like fun and it's pretty.
Susie Q said…
The film is amazing as is Ed Harris in it. I have seen Pollack's work in person twice. They are lyrical and moving...to me at least. I always hear people look at such work and say the inevitable, "Gee, *I* could do that". Okay Chowderhead, give it a go. Let's see what you come up with!"

Now YOUR attempt on the other hand, shows someone who IS an artist...

Anonymous said…
It was about the time of Pollock that I was submitting illustrations to a group of magazines. It was all being published then and I was concerned that my realism would suffer as Pollock seemed to be getting ever more popular.

Normal Rockwell, was then a friend and I asked him about changing styles and he recommended I stick with the realism and I did. I might be better off today had I switched then.


Nice work.
jafabrit said…
Loved his paintings cyn, but he seemed like a selfish mean man.

I agree nancy, I always enjoy seeing Ed Harris anyway, he played Pollock brilliantly.

Oh, thanks pollock, I will come and play weeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!

I don't understand why Krasner put up with him loretta, he didn't give a rat's behind about her as an artist (well didn't seem to) and was very disrespectful (booze or no booze). Thanks for the blog pressie :)
jafabrit said…
You're welcome Kathleen :) Glad you dropped by.

I think your friend lincoln was wise enough to know that emulating a style might do well in the short run but what happens when that style fades. Rockewell is another artist whose work I appreciated MUCH more when I saw it in the real. His brushwork was just beautiful. He did this one painting of garbage under a bridge next to a river. It was a small painting, but wow, what a fabulous painting.

susie, you make me blush, honestly :) but I am glad you like my humble effort. Yes, I have heard "I could do that" too many times and on a few occasions challenged people to do it (which they never did).
We hear that with digital art now. Being computer savvy and able to use a program is one thing, but it is what an artist PUTS and MANIPULATES in that program that makes the difference.
Philip said…
Well I must say that I like the unaltered version much better. Granted that they don't look much different on the screen but do when enlarged.

If this is a first attempt at this then I think you are on the right track. Perhaps you should try a few more - outside in the garden where you can really let rip. Getting the lyrical quality you speak of requires a certain flow of the arm which is difficult to achieve in a studio.
jafabrit said…
thanks philip and I agree, it needs the freedom of totally letting loose with the right paints and definitely outside. When the weather permits I want to do a large one.
Philip said…
I hope that you do. It requires a great deal of concentration but at the same time a willingness to trust your senses and really let go. Great fun though!

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