Found Art Card

What prompted the Card

False Kindness
Have you ever met someone who acts so kind but inside they are seething with resentment, jealousy and/or bitterness. I knew a woman like that once. She always acted so kind and volunteered to do things, proclaiming what a good Christian she was. Then resentment or jealousy would start to nibble away and she would find reasons to dislike the person or people SHE had volunteered to help. She would start to say little things, play the gaslighting game ( use of deceptive information to promote a distorted view of others or tried to convince others they said something they didn't or try to convince them they had forgotten things).
I saw the real woman one day. She took off the mask of kindness and it sure was pitiable and ugly. The sad part is that no matter how much she wears the mask she can't escape her own demons. I suppose the way to look at it is at least she tries, which is more than one can say about others.

Me I have more respect for those who are true to themselves, even if they are not likable. At least I can be spared the painful process of finding out that the person I thought I liked proved to be someone I would never have chosen to be friends with in the first place.


Betty Bishop said…
Wow - you are up early girl! I liked the snowman you and your husband made. I think it would be a moment[s] to remember.
Take care and have a great holiday season.
Betty in Toronto behind a big pile of snow...
Yea. Churches are filled with people like that... :/
Synchronicity said…
i really like your blog...just browsing art blogs this evening and found yours.
jafabrit said…
hiay betty long time no see, thanks for dropping in. Hope you have a lovely christmas and new year too.

hum, yep lone beader, sad huh!

thanks merelyme, glad you enjoyed visiting :)
Emm said…
It sort of looks like you morphed the faces of a few politicians on this one. If the face fits?
Heather said…
Great story, yes I have known these people...I call them the Furies people. (like in the Greek myths, all pretty until you turn your back or they get a call from Hades that tells them to morph into the talons and skin winged demons and eat you for lunch.)
I would lov eto find a work of the Jafa girls...that would rule!
jafabrit said…
lol emm you are right, now I see certain faces in the card, YIKES!

Yes, furies, good name for them kitty :)
I know a few people like that. This one woman I know always wants to tell me bad things about her friends. I try to get across to her that I don't want to hear it but she persists. Sometimes I wonder what she says about me.

I'm glad to know that the snow is up there and not down here. Cool snow woman though.
Steppen Wolf said…
Gaslighting is a term I could use on certain people that I know... Nice one...
andrea said…
Even trickier to figure out are the ones who use really sly passive-aggressive remarks or always withhold interest and approval to reveal their true feelings. I've been fooled for YEARS sometimes.
jafabrit said…
grr andrea, I hate that type grrrrrrrr!

did you eve see the movie Gaslight sunil? It is a great classic with ingrid bergman.

ugh! stillwaters, I would be causious around someone that did that.
Colette Amelia said…
I try and watch myself. For I find that it is easy to go down the pity path and then get a little or a lot bitchy...learning to say no, learning to be assertive, learning to only give and do because you want to and not because it is expected or doing something because maybe down the giving road it will be repaid is a big learning lesson. For giving is only giving if you do it unconditionally and expect nothing in return.

Big Lessons...still learning almost 50.
jafabrit said…
arg, yes colette learning to say no is a life lesson and definitely a challenge.

The distinction here is that this particular woman doesn't have a problem saying no. Her problem is that wants so desperately to be seen as good she will almost force her kindness on others or volunteers herself for everything that might shine a light on her goodness.
Janets Planet said…
Interesting how that term came about. Never heard that before. Would say that a gal I know who fits the description perfectly more than anyone else I have ever known did not profess to be a Christian.
jafabrit said…
Unfortunately Jan, these types seem to come in all colours, shapes, and sizes, sigh!
jafabrit said…
somehow though I find it doubly offensive and hypocritical when someone professes to be a good christian and then turns around and does very unchristian like things.

Maybe I have high expectations, but then I had a wonderful role model.
My nana always taught me that a good christian LIVES it, they don't need to brag about it or just practice it from the mouth or on sundays.
Anonymous said…
Well done jafa, nice work as a londoner living in Australia you brightened my day. i got here after looking to see what the critics actually said about Rolf harris's portrait of the Queen. Nothing half cruel enough IMO.

Geordies - the backbone of Englands Socialists.
Anonymous said…
you'd like my pal Spiny i think,

jafabrit said…
I liked the painting "all the right choices" lol by your friend Grey. Thanks for dropping by, glad I could brighten your day a wee bit at least :)

so what part of London? I spent 7 years in Wembley.

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