Example of Yukky Graffiti

Last year I took this photo of the side entrance to Grainger Market , which was built in the 1830's in Newcastle, England. I used to pop into this pub many moons ago, hence the reason for taking the pic, plus I loved the big red doc martin. The scribbles on the side wall is the type of graffiti (tagging)that is really ugly, that has no aesthetic appeal or enhances what is an already a very ugly entrance. Maybe that is why they think it is okay to tag it, because it is already ugly? One would have no idea that this ugly entrance leads to one of the most beautiful classical buildings in the town. To see this pictures of this beautiful market, this site has some great photos.

How about this 11,000 year old example of graffiti?

For some fun clips about it, or hear the public's reaction to the introduction of hot pants, check out the bbc link.


benjymous said…
By odd coincidence, I met my Wife for lunch at the new tearoom opposite that doorway today :)
benjymous said…
Looking at your link it mentions the branch of Marks & Spencer "in the style of its original stall" - it's worth pointing out that it *is* it's original stall (in Newcastle, anyway)
benjymous said…
Oh, and if you remember the greenmarket (the far less attractive 60s covered market), they're in the middle of pulling it down to build something new (which will hopefully be far more in-fitting with the Grainger-era architecture...)

(...I'll shut up now!)
Wow! The world's oldest wall painting was cool! Thanks for sharing that=:)
andrea said…
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andrea said…
That Syrian wall painting is *so* 11 milleniums ago. Actually, I think it has a very modern sort of design sensibility, doesn't it?

By the way, the bright red basketball star sized Doc Marten is a very fine feature, I agree.)
jafabrit said…
no, no, I am glad you didn't shut up benjymous. Glad you popped in, and wow, that is a coincidence :) I remember the covered market last year and hardly any vendors/shops. SO glad they are demolishing it, was so ugly. I see the ugly horrid library was demolished too.

yea andrea, lone beader, the wall painting is fascinating, would love to see it close up.
paultalbotart said…
by chance, did you ever drink in the Trent or the Strawberry - monday 6-7pm happy hour!
by the way, may need to contact you shortly regarding a project I have in mind - you maybe the kingpin!
all the best, keep well
jafabrit said…
I used to drink at the Pineapple but not these two. Some of them have new names now, so I don't recognize the names but can the locations.

Sure, just get in touch and let me know what you have in mind.

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