Found Art: Rock Ant

I wish I could give credit to who inspired me to make this rock ant, but it's one of those instances where cruising the net I saw an image for a few seconds and I moved on. They had made a wire wrapped caterpillar and far superior to what I've done here. However I wasn't trying to copy it or make a masterpiece. I was sitting in the garden playing with bits and bobs and thought it would be fun to make a found art piece for the Yellow Springs Arts Council October art stroll event at the Hip Joint in Yellow Springs.
If any of you readers are in the area there is a call for artists to submit work, just check out the YSArts Blog.

Talking about found art, I always like to pop into Rosa Murillo's Found Art Tuesday page. I just love the art left in a Dallas Airport, very cool. I really like the statements her art makes, as well as the quality of the work :)

If you enjoy looking at artists who use objects in nature/environmental art then Andrew Goldsworthy is one of the best. Here is a wee video showing his frustration with a piece he was working on and a link showing a couple of examples of his work.

LOCAL NEWS: Really excited about this. Two local filmmakers in Yellow Springs, Julia Reichert and Steve Bognar, won an emmy for their film "A Lion in the House". Story is in the YS news.


Anonymous said…
Neat. I like it. Use some colored wire with copper inside like used in small appliances. You can get some neat effects.
Cynthia said…
Your sculpture is fab - love it!

The sound of the beach is soothing too...
Very unique!
Michael said…
I love the concept of found art. The ant is really cool.

Take Care
Susie Q said…
Love the sculpture! The whole concept of found art is fantastic. I am trying to get Gracie into this...some of it is catching on with her. : )

I was tickled about their film award...
so richly deserved.

Have a sweet weekend..the weather is really glorious!
Steppen Wolf said…
I liked the ant sculpture. It is very original...
I love your ant. I nurse a passion for rocks, stones & pebbles so your sculpture truly is ant-astic!

My fellow tea lover - I've been trying to email you, but I don't think I've managed to track down your correct email address. May I mail you?

The rock sculpture is great! I have a thing for rocks.
The found art site got me inspired to do some more found art. I have neglected it lately.
So many fun little time.
jafabrit said…
lincoln, I don't think I will be doing anymore, it was a spur of the moment thing and an example for the visitors to the event. But I will supply some coloured wire for the found art table at the art party. I think it would be fun to see what people do with it and the stones.

ant-astic. LOL! I feel the same way about rocks and stones.

yes, so little time arg!!!!!!

oh susie, it would be fun to see something gracie made and a photo where she left it :)

glad you are all liking it :)
dinahmow said…
Cute ant!
Just letting you know the effigy is nearly done.A wip shot on my blog.
L.M.Noonan said…
I'm not sure about the need for coloured wire, I prefer it as is. Thanks for the Goldsworthy video link. I've posted the link on our public art blog.
Betty Bishop said…
I also LOVE your ant - I am going to search my garden......I get great ideas from your site Jafa.
What a gorgeous little ant!!!
It has inspired we to twiddle, a widdle...

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