Effigy Doll

Well here is a peek of how my effigy doll is evolving. It's funny how Cynthia has started with the head and I have started with a torso lol! While cynthia's is an expression of ugly feelings, mine is about what I wish, more of a wish doll really. Rather curvy, hint! hint! to the powers that be, nudge! nudge! say no more! oooo la la :)

Anybody else want to join in our doll challenge?

I think this is very odd, and political correctness gone a bit far as it seems to have destroyed an interesting custom related to these particular wish dolls.

Doll Face

Update: To read about the making of this video Andy Huang talks about it here.


Anonymous saidā€¦
Your blog is very interesting!
Please, send me the photo of your pc desk and the link of your blog.
I'll publish on my blog!.
Thanks Frank
EMAIL: pcdesktop1@gmail.com
Heather saidā€¦
I am so in the doll thing...I started one too about three days ago. Mine is about the healing process of creation...my dreams too I guess. :) Doll Face was very, very cool!
dinahmow saidā€¦
Yes, I'm "in." I commented at Cynthia's place.
Soon as the sun comes out and I can thread a needle!
Anonymous saidā€¦
I feel fully inspired to create my doll, Jafabrit...
I love the idea of her being entirely political incorrect too..
jafabrit saidā€¦
Oh this is too cool, I can't wait to see what everyone comes up with. :)

thanks for dropping by frank and sisters, well send you a pic.
The Lone BeaderĀ® saidā€¦
Cool doll... I want to create another beaded doll, but I'm a littl busy at the moment... :)
Cynthia saidā€¦
What a sad video! Despite the message - it was put together so wonderfully. I want to learn how to make videos like that. Wow.

I like how your doll is starting out, Jafabrit!!

I found it interesting that the Asian dolls were a bit like Weebils Wobble but They Don't Fall Down. I wonder if that was their inspiration??
Anonymous saidā€¦
Your doll is looking great girl! It's so interesting how Cynthia is working on a clay doll and you are working on a doll made out of cloth. I love all the different techniques you can use in art. I love the video! To me it reminds me that sometimes if you go to far with plastic surgery and perfecting yourself. You can mess yourself up in the process.Although I do not know if that is what the creator initially intended it to mean. Thank you for sharing that video with us!
andrea saidā€¦
Discriminatory of the blind! Please! So what would they say about Picasso's interpretation of the human body? That it's discriminatory against those with only half a face?
jafabrit saidā€¦
yes, that kind of floored me andrea!
L.M.Noonan saidā€¦
Totally amazing video. Gave me the willies. Waht's with all the voodoo?
jafabrit saidā€¦
What's with the voodoo? I don't know LOL! I have always found spirit/wish/voodoo/day of the dead dolls interesting. I have made a number of dolls, although they were not voodoo in nature, but they weren't pretty dolls. Maybe I will post one of them.
Dr.John saidā€¦
Your doll is coming now make the other leg wooden.
David Howard saidā€¦
The word doll is a shortened version of idol. Putting our desires and wishes on an inanimate object. Sort of a token God. A sharmanistic divining tool. But, yours looks a bit more like art. Maybe art is an attempt at the divine - a leap of faith, a scrabbling for something more. I still have my teddy bear - which I blew up with Guy Fawkes explosives, when I was a kid. He is all sewn up now, but has an eye missing.
inspired saidā€¦
doll face is extra ordinary ;o]
have you visited South Shields Daily Photo yet ? Gann canny noo hinney ..
jafabrit saidā€¦
eye, I did inspired. Hope your in fine fettle today.

I like your thoughts howard :)

Hi dr.john glad you dropped in. Not sure what I plan for this doll, but I think her other leg will be cloth too :)
Philip saidā€¦
I found this more than painful to look at when I first saw it. It brought back emotional memories of a suicide that I witnessed on London Underground and some of the war photos I have seen of Iraq that don't reach the newspapers. I know that you intended none of this - this just illustrates the immense power of art I guess and how each person sees things differently. I am sure I will feel differently when it is finished!
jafabrit saidā€¦
wow, philip, no I hadn't intended it, but I can see why you thought it (re: images from iraq). Your comment gave me goosebumps.

"this just illustrates the immense power of art I guess and how each person sees things differently."

It always amazes what people can see in my art that I don't see, and what I can see in others work that they had not imagined.
Philip saidā€¦
It's funny but today I got rather worried about the comment I made in case it kind of threw you or was unacceptable. I'm glad that you took what I said at face value and didn't get phased. The problem for me was that I saw it as a finished piece - hence all the memory links.
jafabrit saidā€¦
Expressing your reaction (no matter what it is) is never unacceptable to me philip.
Todd Camplin saidā€¦
Nice dark imagery of a doll. I like it.

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