Sketchbook Page: Word Art

Melange of Irreconcilable Otherness

Do you ever read those artsy fartsy art mags and wonder what the heck they 're blathering on about. Yes! I get it after thinking okey dokey then, nice bit of bull*hitting! Sometimes I wonder if what I'm reading is not so much about the content of the words, but written more for how nice the words LOOK, like word art. Sort of flux'ish, if you know what I mean. No! Well, it means! and if you're too lazy to go to the link: "Fluxus creators like to see what happens when different media intersect."

Oh! the image is a little painting I did in my sketchbook today. I added the phrase (which I really like reading and saying over and over) after reading my mag:
Poor hubby if I am not doing my Arianna Huffington voice (my fave person to mimic lately) I fling my current fave words at him.
Hubby: What's for dinner then?
Moi: A melange of irreconcilable otherness
Hubby: That's nice dear, pass the salt.


Cynthia saidā€¦
I like your answer, "a melange of irreconcilable otherness". I should try this sometime and get a good laugh from the puzzled stares back at me. I usally respond it's called "fill it up and shut up". Although I don't advocate telling people to shut up, it's sort of a joke- my husband's mom used to use this phrase everytime anyone complained about what was for dinner. (in a good natured way of course)
jafabrit saidā€¦
cynthia, that is more polite than what I used to get when I asked what's for dinner! Shit with Sugar!
I guess all families have their ways of answering that question. fun to hear what others say.
Anonymous saidā€¦
Very nice work, would you take part in our contest, draw your self-portrait the closed eyes.
jafabrit saidā€¦
thanks denis, do you want me to submit one I have done already, or do a new one?
Dr.John saidā€¦
I am going to learn that phrase. I can think of several places I can use it. The pictures are well done.
Anonymous saidā€¦
I use the term artsy fartsy all the time. My mom said not to cause she said it was making fun of art. I think it sounds kewl though. I wouldn't have asked if you didn't use it in this post. LOLOL :) Anyhoo, I love your work! I don't read as many artsy fartsy mag's as I should. hehehehehehe I like reading blogs.Wouldn't miss yours. :)
Anonymous saidā€¦
I meant wouldn't miss reading yours for the world. That sounded bad and I meant it as a compliment. :) *HUGS*
Anonymous saidā€¦
Now I know what to do with the mince!!
Great blog Jafabrit!!
Mark Daniels saidā€¦
I love these well as the dismisal of artistic snobbery in your post!

Philip saidā€¦
Your comments made me laugh! Very amusing!

BTW - I seem to be having trouble receiving some e-mails at the mo so can you leave a note on my blog when you reply please!
jafabrit saidā€¦
angela, why are we not allowed to make fun of art? ;)
thanks for dropping by domestic minx (love the name).

I think it's a great little phrase dr.john and can see you incorporating that into a sermon somehow :)

philip when you see my interview (which I just finished) you will know that being able to bring a smile makes me happy :)

thanks mark, one is the original and the others are manipulated versions using microsoft picture it. She became others LOL!
Janets Planet saidā€¦
Trouble posting comment again.

I like the phrase. I can see it being quite useful in certain situations.

Thanks for the link on Fluxus. Still trying to understand it.
Lynette saidā€¦
Love your sketch and your words made me smile today...LOL on 'artsy fartsy' that's what my husband used to think of art but I'm trying to 'edumacate' him...I need to suscribe to some of those arts mags J.B. and I'm not even sure was a melange was but it sure sounds good! :D

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