A jafa Monday

Did you know I have a candy bar named after me LOL! Okay not really true. My daughter went into a brit store in florida and couldn't resist getting it for me.

Check emails, do a little painting, take dogs to groomers, make WIP video, go and get Ha Ha Pizza. Got sidetracked by the smell of yummy soy candles that this young man (Orion Soul) makes himself. If you happen to visit Yellow Springs he is to be seen on the corner of Corry St and Xenia Ave. Talitha waiting at Village Artisans,wondering where I am with the pizza. Share art chat, game of scrabble, talk with customers. Talitha says if I don't use those eggs soon they will be rotten, so I guess I will make the video
about Humpty Dumpty soon. Right, better go and do some work in studio since I have been goofing off today. I am rather happy as one of my FAVE paintings (Homage to Frida Kahlo) sold today through "would you, could you" gallery.


Dr.John saidā€¦
While you had all that exitment I had another dull day.
Heather saidā€¦
I worked my butt off...lucky you having fun. I had fun too...I just didn't expect to be so busy on my first day on the job. Hey Congrat's on the sale! It's a lovely work.
Anonymous saidā€¦
I LOVE Frida Kahlo!!
I so would have bought that!!

On the other hand, I so do not like rotten eggs, so please stop goofing off and make your video!!!

Do you have Jaffas over in Yellow Springs? They are balls of chocolately orange confection - spherical orange flavoured business surrounded by a coating of chocolate..
We have them here in Australia. It was a tradition when I was a teenager to lob them sporadically at people in darkened movie theatres!
Anonymous saidā€¦
WOW! Your own Candy bar! ;) How kewl is that.
I adore Frida's story of how strong she was. I strive to be like her in many ways.
Wonderful post girl!
I sure wish that we could get to together and make art! You really seem like you'd be a fun person to make art with. :)
ysartist saidā€¦
sometimes dull days are nice dr. john :)
Glad to hear your first day hmbt was fun, even though it must have been tiring.
I was happy the kahlo painting sold minx, I really put a lot of time into not only painting it but building the frame. I also made the skull myself out of femo. they don't have jaffa products over here.
angela, what a sweetie you are :) I feel the same way about Frida and have read the bio about her twice and seen both film versions.

well, tomorrow no computer. I have major projects to work on, as well as the piddly one's.

Lynette saidā€¦
LOL on the jaffa candy bar! It sounds like you had a wonderful day and congrats on selling your lovely painting! What a great feeling!
Philip saidā€¦
Congrats on the sale!

Do you get Jaffa cakes in the US btw?
Cynthia saidā€¦
It sounds like one perfect day! I would have liked tooling about too, and who wouldn't love a pizza called "Ha Ha Pizza"?

I'm jealous you have candy named after you.

Congrats on the sale of your Frida painting, that's wonderful news.
Still Waters Studio saidā€¦
Yellow Springs sounds like such an interesting place. Maybe one day I will venture north to check it out.
Congrats on selling the painting. What is the name of the Frida movie? Maybe netflix has it.
Janets Planet saidā€¦
Great news on the sale.

Cool to find the candy bar. Now I will have to do a google search to find out more about it.
jafabrit saidā€¦
There are two movies about Frida: There is the 2002 version called "Frida", with Salma Hayek and then the 1984 version :http://www.lilt.ilstu.edu/smexpos/cinergia/Frida.htm

Only place you can get jaffa cakes here philip is in the brit import shop and sometimes the international section of meijers grocery store.

Best time to visit still waters is during street fair (june or October) or blues fest. Nice other times too, but those are really big events and lots of fun. We have a fabulous state park bordering the village, called Glen Helen.
Shez saidā€¦
Sounds like you had nice spring day. You seem relaxed and happy. Congrats on the Sale!! and Mmmmm Pizza being a curious cat that I am, what's with the Ha Ha do you know?? Love that candy bar!! I just look like I have one named after me....so how does it taste, good I bet.
Me I spent most of the day cruising on the Web, joined YouTube and visited new sites. Beautiful day here again. Meant to get out, but....Just saw that you stopped by... Isn't that Horse something on that Video. I keep going back and watching it. You're right Brilliant is an understatement. Had lots of people viewing her. I posted a link at WetCanvas too!!
Got to run.....TTYL Shez
Philip saidā€¦
'Our' interview has contributed to an interesting post by Ed Maskevitch btw.
Klinger Studios saidā€¦
Love the Frida! Congratulations on the sale. I've seen both films on her several times and love them both. You've captured her in your painting.

B.T.W., the sculpture of mine that you wanted to see in my studio/gallery has been sold. Seems there are other cheeky folks out there too!

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