What sort of art do you do?
I've always found this a little challenging to answer since it isn't easy to categorize what I do. I happened upon a website, thanks to a poster on Wet Canvas, called Interstitial Arts Foundation. It is described as "art that flourishes in the borderlands between disciplines, mediums and cultures. Art that blurs the divide between fine art and craft, high art and low. Art that crosses boundaries. Artists without borders."
According to Wikipedia it is: " .........work difficult to easily categorize or describe within a single artistic discipline"
That seems to describe me very well, don't you think?
Anway, here is my latest creative venture 
It is based on a sketch I did a few years ago and is called "she clutched a chicken and crossed her eyes" (Literally, I asked my daughter to clutch a chicken and cross her eyes and bless her for being a good sport she did). This is a photo of just part of the image. I painted it on fabric and embellished it with embroidery (eyebrows and eyelashes), a silver earing, and small blue beads around the circle edge. It is hand quilted around the lips to help emphasize them. Below is a painting on wood I did years ago, so as you can see I am playing with a theme.

I have to admit that it's hard for me to put my type of art in a catagory as well.
Personally, I think that's wonderful! When I look at your blog. It always surprises me to see what you've done next! I admire that! :) Keep it coming!
thanks dr.john, what did you think art was?
wow, wish that was true Lone Beader, my stuff rarely sells lol!
thanks phillip, I appreciate that. I think at first many people have the same reaction as you. I understand why.
I'm going to have to check out your links too.
Can't wait to see the ACEO, that is very cool.thanks!
This describes your work perfectly! You never know what you are going to see next. It's awesome!
LOVE the work we see today.
Very cool and interesting and fun...I can easily start creating a story for this lady in my head...
I'm confused, what are you referring to jan? the painting, the quilted sketch, or the Interstitial Art webwsite?
Will have to explore further.
I had a fake chicken and one day (5 years ago) I asked my daughter if she would clutch the chicken and cross her eyes for a photo. Don't know why, but it was one of those spontaneous moments. LOL!