Artistic Influences

An Interview
Andy Warhol interview at bbc4
Andy Warhol Quotes
I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want to own.
I have Social Disease. I have to go out every night. If I stay home one night I start spreading rumors to my dogs

Favourite Objects
Found this at the Lambertville fle market years ago. It's a really ugly dog sculpture, but I love it and sketch it frequently.


Cynthia said…
Love you new piece and your daughter's drawing. I often use my daughter's art work as inspiration.
jafabrit said…
thanks cynthia, I have done them on canvas before, but you inspired me with your soft paintings. I wanted a way to preserve their artwork and this seems to employ several things I love to do:painting, embroidery and hand sewing.
Anonymous said…
cynthia, you are going to laugh at this, and I must do a blog entry on it, but I used to have a tshirt painting business in the early 90's (before I actually learned to paint) called persnickety fashions. My friend and I sued to paint flowers, and doggie portraits on t shirts. I will see if I can dig up a pic. the watch my friend designed as our biz watch was HORRIBLE.
Philip said…
I think the bird is just great!
Dr.John said…
I was wishing that was your drawing of a bird then there would be hope for me as a n artist.
Janets Planet said…
The bird drawing is so "now" -- trust me.
Anonymous said…
How wonderful! It's wonderful to have the freedom of a child's imagination to show through your work. GREAT JOB! I love it!
Lisa Call said…
Love the fiber piece! Your daughter's art works well with the fabric and beads.

And wow - is that dog ugly :)
Thanks to the link to hear those Andy Warhol interviews. He is one of my favourite artists. I went to the Andy Warhol museum over the summer, and LOVED it.

And the bird is funky & fun=:)
jafabrit said…
LOL< LIsa, yes the dog is the ugliest sculpture I have ever seen and I LOVE it. strange!
Lone Beader I just have to get myself over to the Warhol Museum. I LOVE some of his work.

I am glad you all like the way I have translated my daughters drawing onto fiber art. man my fingers are raw though, even with using a leather thimble. I had forgotten how rough hand sewing can be on the hands.
Unknown said…
I love it. :)
Unknown said…
Hey, JB, that pooch looks mummified! Really, that was my first impression.

The little bird has real personality. Can't wait to see what other fiber arts you come up with.
Lynette said…
I like your dog sculpture J.B., it looks so very smooth and cool and it makes me long to see what it feels like. OH I love the bird and LOL he has 4 legs, this is too neat! I have a whole drawer full of things my daughter made when young and we were admiring and laughing at some of the cute and funny stories she wrote just the other day. You just gave me an idea for a blog post!
that's a beautiful piece, i love the idea of incorporating the talent around us, especially the family.
great work!!

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