New Sketchbook: first drawing
Mike Myers was quoted in a New York Times article about his long leave of absence from Hollywood , “There’s process and there’s product...and when you’re too long on product, you forget about your process.” I understand where he's coming from, which led me to decide that 2007 is the year about process. So I started a new sketchbook and my first entry for 2007 is a figure study in conte crayon after Pierre-Paul Prud'hon. It's not quite the same as drawing from a live model, but the main point is to get back into the practice of drawing. This is a photo of my drawing.
Currently Reading:
A Peace to End All Peace by David Fromkin
theSeducer by JanKjaerstad
The sketch is top notch too!
Market has had no influence on my developement and what I create since I first started my art journey 11 years ago.
Thanks for dropping by and asking me questions. They help me clarify what sort of an artist I am.
thanks cynthia.
You are an amazing talent. The sketch is amazing.
Also, thanks for stopping by my blog! I'll check out those links a bit later on, but I appreciate your comment. I hope you'll come by again.
Cheers from Boston=:)
Nancy Van Blaricom
Do you find it harder to draw males than females? (I do, I think mine look too feminine in their facial features)
Thanks for the stop by my studio.
And happy new year (if I didn't already say that :).
My last life drawing class was around 1990. I miss it. It's great for developing hand/eye coordination. Not that you need any... more, more!
shez. I don't have a problem or preference for male or female models. I don't put much work into the face when doing life drawing because faces I can do anytime and practice a lot. Getting to draw a live nude model doesn't happen often so my focus is getting the anatomy right. I always remember as I draw what my teacher said: flesh is like drapery over bone and muscle. so I try to get the sense of bone and muscle when I start a drawing.
My fave models are the ones that are either skinny and you can see the bony landmarks, or the fleshy ones and you have to figure out where there bones lie underneath and get the proportions right.
I love a new sketchbook!