Quicky Painting

Okay, I can't claim to have my muse back yet, but I rose to nancy's challenge to do a bulldog painting. It isn't supposed to be a serious painting, just a quick study to get my hands moving with a paint brush.
So what goes tick tock woof? answer is at the bottom of the post.
My neighbor has two dogs. One of them says to the other, "Woof!" The other replies, "Moo!" The dog is perplexed. "Moo? Why did you say, "Moo'?" The other dog says, "I'm trying to learn a foreign language."- Morey Amsterdam
A watchdog.
I know it's a groaner, but what do you expect out of a Christmas Cracker eh! Here is an old list from the bbc of the top ten cracker jokes.
And a Geordie! In America? Bet they absolutely LOVE your accent!
why eye I specialize in eclecticus you knaa :) I divvent speak too geordie for the folks ower here man. They canna understand me if I do, although I sneak in a few howways, and divvent be dafts now and again.
Well jan have you heard this one. What did the sea say to the coastline? nowt, it just waves. Ba boom!
Take Care
So happy to have found you, your blog and your website (beautiful).
Your work iis amazing, and I wish I could see it in person. If you're ever exhibiting in Australia let me know!
PS - thanks for visiting me on my blog :)
Don't you just love the smell of little puppys.
BTW, I like the dog painting. At first it reminded me of Triumph -- that dog that smokes a cigar and makes comments. So then I had to take another look.
I think I would recocognize your work if I didn't know it was yours.
At the risk of sounding ignorant, what exactly is a Jafa????? From the comments on the last post, I'm guessing I am one too, but I want to make sure! :)
Haven't heard that joke before. It made me laugh... a little bit :-)
Paula check out my website front page re: Jafa :)
Hi Michelle,
thanks for dropping by and for the compliment.
shez I love snuggling up to little puppies and most of MY dog rufus (yorkshire terrier).
hey sue, jan,dr.john,Robin, michael, turtle guy, glad I could bring a smile even if the jokes were lame LOL!
toodle pip for now.
Stay well and we love your jokes. The cornier the better for us!
I have a few pieces in "Would you could you in a frame" on Corry Street. You have to ask Sheryl to see them though. They are not out for display at the moment. You just missed my solo show at the Emporium :( You can see more on my work on corrine's page on:
glad my blog makes you smile :)
Hope you could drop by again :)
Nice painting you got here..