Emporium Exhibit: ugly pretty things

oil on wood

"I paint my own reality. The only thing I know is that I paint because I need to, and I paint whatever passes through my head
without any other consideration. "
Frida Kahlo
If you would like to see more of her work and life, please visit here.
My exhibit is up until the end of November at the Emporium in Yellow Springs, Ohio.
Hope everyone had a great thanksgiving.
If interested in purchasing painting please contact me at:


Turtle Guy saidā€¦
When I read "Frida", I immediately thought of ABBA... don't know why, exactly...

Thanks for dropping by my page! I'm going to trundle through a few of your posts... looks interesting!
Anonymous saidā€¦
I love this! I recognized Frida of course, but she looks more delicate and wondered if your daughter was the model? But, then I clicked on the image and was transported...you really did an awesome job of making this painting yours! I love the shrine like effect with the unique support and the flowers.
Anonymous saidā€¦
But wait...there's more...I just noticed the little skull with the flowers...it's more like Jafagirl meets Louise Nevelson meets Frida!
Lynette saidā€¦
OH this is just a stunningly beautiful work you did of Frida and I noticed that she looks more delicately lovely than other portraits of her that I've seen. All I can say is this is exquisite!!
jafabrit saidā€¦
hi cynthia, I didn't plan the link on the actual picture (don't know how that happened). But yes I have a little skull there I made from fimo, a little silver hand, a fly nestled amongst the flowers.

thanks lyne and thanks for dropping by turtle guy.
Anonymous saidā€¦

I like your blog! ... and you make me smile. I miss the old 'Brit' humour here in New Zealand.

And thank you for signing up to my new directory of artists who blog,Art Blogs 4 U. And also for adding the Link to it.

all the best to you
jafabrit saidā€¦
thanks lesly, glad I made yer smile :)
Anonymous saidā€¦
Hey, I checked out your blog earlier...but doh...didn't think to comment...thanks for visiting my blog and nudging the old brain into action lol
I love your work...Frida is great, but I love the successful effort at doing an open mouth with a tongue, as for the twisted neck...sometimes the painting paints itself :D
Anonymous saidā€¦
Nicely done. I wonder if you didnt put a space between your picture and the html link. I notice that usually is a problem for me AFTER the tag, not before.
Nancy Van Blaricom saidā€¦
Great job ... this is just the sort of thing you'd expect Frida to enjoy.... it looks deep and mysterious... yet peaceful?

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