Found Art and Ghost Hunters

I posted this on the Found Art website, but hey, I wanted to post it here too. I photographed a spare skull I had lying around the studio. I had painted eyes on some stones and put those in the sockets. Manipulated the photo on Microsoft Picture It. Hope the jokes make you groan, which is what we are supposed to hear this month anyway ;)

By the way it is official, Ye Olde Trail Tavern (106 years old) in Yellow Springs possibly, maybe, err, could just really have a ghost after all, so say the Springfield Ghost Hunters.


Louisiana said…
a spare skull lying around? oh you are brave, lol...i am such a chicken even the pic scared me, the eyes made it so real...great job.
Tina Dray said…
Very spooky!
Thanks for the visit!
Anonymous said…
I just read the jokes to my daughter and she laughed! She just loves a good joke and wanted more.
Dr.John said…
O for the days when we had a spare skull lying around. Ours have all been packed and are stored somewhere.
Unknown said…
Every girl needs a spare skull -- after all, two skulls are better than one!

San Antonio is a very haunted city, too. I've been meaning to take the tour of haunted spots around the city (which reminds me of my blog topic for Halloween . . .).

Thanks, JB!
jafabrit said…
I LOVE San Antonio, used to go there a lot.

>>>Every girl needs a spare skull -- after all, two skulls are better than one!<<<

Ha! too funny :)
Lynette said…
I guess a spare skull laying in the studio is better than having a skeleton in the closet LOL (groooan). We have a cow skull laying on the back deck. eeek your skull looks alive with those painted rock eyeballs!! I feel spooky time coming on with Halloween coming up next week!
B.R.L said…
A great halloween blog. Great use of the skull lying around.
arlee said…
Do bear, bird and deer skulls count? Those i have laying around :}
Cool piece.
jafabrit said…
hiay arlee, bearn, bird and deer skulls! I am jealous!!!!! They cout big time LOL!

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