Stone Mad

Studio is cleared and ready but I can't concentrate or start new work because I am too excited and distracted about my trip home to England (in a couple of weeks). So I am just doing bits and bobs and had fun printing out some of my work to decoupage on stones, some of which I will take to England.


Louisiana said…
well how wonderful that you are going home..oh, i'm delighted.
are you going alone? going to family is so wonderful. i hope you have the most fav time hon.
jafabrit said…
well the news this morning is very depressing Chana :(
B.R.L said…
I hope your comment doesn't mean you can't go home.
jafabrit said…
I don't know betty, my mum and sis are scared. So we will wait and see, but I feel really sad and depressed this morning. I haven't seen my mum for five years and I miss her terribly. :(
Oh gosh I really, truly hope you get your trip home. I saw all the news on TV, perhaps it should be sorted out in a couple of weeks though.

Love those stones!!
Dr.John said…
Dpn't let the terorists frighten you into not going home. Life is to short to live in fear. You have as much cahnce of being blown up where you are or being hit by a tornado as you do of being blown up in an airplane.
jafabrit said…
thanks mandy :)
Dr.John you are right, but sheesh it is so depressing.
Nathan Davies said…
Hi Jafabrit

Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog. I was very impressed with your art and will add a link to your site from mine.

Do not be scared to come home. I wouldn't be surprised if the 'news' was just the US and UK governments creating a climate of fear. Watch Bowling for Columbine by Michael Moore to see what I mean.

Don't be depressed. Concentrate on seeing the Angel of the North and sinking a few brown ales on your return.

All the best

AKA Tartan Red
jafabrit said…
thanks Nathan, I am ready for a few brown ales, a bag of twiglets, and hearing geordie speak.

>>>Watch Bowling for Columbine by Michael Moore to see what I mean.<<

Yes, I know what you mean, sad huh!
Cynthia said…
I know how you feel! I was a flight attendant for United Airlines for 15 years until 9-11 and let myself get so afraid to fly. It got to the point that I was hyper-ventilating everytime I went to work post 9-11. I ended up taking a leave and went back to school and eventually resigned (last august), but, not before I faced my fears.

I think dr. john is right...we can't live in fear. IMO, fear makes us become sheep and act irrationally...I think that's most of the reason why the US spear-headed and initally got support for the war. People were afraid.

I know I'm rambling, but I feel pretty passionate about this. Life is too short...Please visit your family.

On another note, I love your collaged/painted stones...especially the ones with the hand!
Betty Bishop said…
How did you know I had a musician for a neighbour? At least she fancies herself a musician. She had a "concert" last night so I was rather happy to hear my little dog barking barking barking at 6 this morning. I just let her bark.
Go to England - don't worry - the odds are with you in the millions.
jafabrit said…
I can't NOT go home.

Cynthia I can understand your rambling and why!

Betty, eek my card really struck a chord eh! ;)

thanks everyone for your strength and thoughts. I really do appreciate it.
Bazza said…
Nice pictures I really like the one on the bottom right. I also like Kippers, last had some a while back at a bed and breakfast in Whitby. Thanks for visiting my blog.
Lori's Minute said…
I am continually amazed and impressed by your artwork. I always think I have to get back into art after I look at your pieces. I hope to very soon....
Lori's Minute said…
P.S. Go will be ok and you will be so glad you went.
Lynette said…
I'm so glad you are going to go home and see your Mom and family. 5 years is a long time and I can sense you are really missing them. I was telling my husband about this tonight and he said the next few weeks will probably be a lot safer to fly because of what just happened. The rotten terrorists will probably slink back to their holes for a while now. Your stones are so awesome, I love the way you do those faces!
Janets Planet said…
These portrait stones are great. There is a guy in Sister Bay (Door County) that paints the well worn stones that wash up on the shore. Phish stones. He just does funky fish on them. Are a few of these going to end up being some public art?

Hope the trip goes well.
These stones, er, "rock"!

Your talent continues to amaze me.

I do hope the current climate of fear eases (I also agree with Michael Moore, you, and several of your commenters that this state of panic is actively encouraged, perhaps even created entirely, by The Powers That Be). I think this would be the safest time to travel what with all the security currently in place, although it's a hassle and apparently you couldn't even bring toothpaste in a carry-on. Just check in everything except a good airplane book, put up with the searches, and have a good time with family.

PS: I have a private question/favor to ask, but I can't find an e-mail for you if I ever had it. Please contact me at

jafabrit said…
Hi Jan, yes these ones are to be left for people to find. They are all images of work I have done that I printed out and then decoupaged onto stones.

Lisa, sent you an email.

bazza, I have fond memories of whitby, lovely place.

lori, hope you get back into your art :)

Lyn, I decided to make myself a clear plastic handbag for the flight. So I went and bought some clear plastic at the fabric store. We will see if it works out.
Maritza said…
I love those!
Betty Bishop said…
Morning Jaf - that is so good - a clear plastic bag - thanks for a good Sunday morning laugh! You could market them "Transparent Totes" "Hassleless Handbags" or is it a "See thru Suitcase"? Hahaha.........
Janets Planet said…
Just flew from Wis to Philadelphia yesterday. There was no problem with security. Of course I dont suppose it would be the same as travelling overseas. My husband had to fly out of Chicago last Thursday. That was a real nightmare.

My friend gave me one of those clear plastic bags they put bed sheet sets in. I put all my purse contents in it, then put the whole thing in my purse to carry. Worked out well.

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