Art out of Necessity
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Thank you for visiting my blog and my apologies.
Unfortunately due to the continued infringement, mining and exploitation of my images by individuals, spammers and companies I no longer have the incentive to show images on my blog.
Thank you for visiting my blog and my apologies.
Unfortunately due to the continued infringement, mining and exploitation of my images by individuals, spammers and companies I no longer have the incentive to show images on my blog.
These were my very first stone portraits, which I put in a show in the Maryland Federation of Art in Annapolis. I was very encouraged because they both sold straight away.
Why art out of necessity? Well we had moved to New Jersey (this was about 8 or 9 years ago) and I couldn't get my studio up and running . One day as my dh and I we were walking the dogs I was lamenting the fact I couldn't paint and my dh picks up a stone and said you could paint on this. I was like, "suuuuuuure". Well bless his heart because he really did come up with something. The closer I looked at the stone and the shape the more I was intrigued. I liked the idea of tricking people into wondering whether it was the shape of the stone that defined the features or the way I did the shadows/values.
This is my ABSOLUTE favourite stone that now belongs to a dear friend of mine.
So I have to say my dear husband gets the credit (and he says any percentage of sales lol) for coming up with the idea of me painting faces on stones.
art out of necessity painting portraits on stone portraits on stone
I love your stuff.
Take Care
thanks for stopping by everyone and commenting. glad you like the stones as much as I liked doing them.
When I was a kid, my mom used to paint on rocks too. I still have one, except she did animals. I put them in my shadow box.