But he's such a nice man! He wouldn't do anything like that.

"Operation Candyman"

is the codename for the FBI’s nationwide crusade to sweep the Net clean of child abuse and child porn. This is oil on a poplar wood panel. The surface of the painting has been distressed in reference to the distressing character. The body of the man purposefully left ambiguous. The focus is on the face and perceived qualities and draws the eyes away from the area of the body that is driving the real agenda. 
This painting is currently at IN A FRAME.


Janets Planet said…
You have captured the creepiness of his character.
Lynette said…
Wow this is an awesomely done painting Alfreda!! I hope they catch all of the horrible people who prey on our children and I'm glad they are actually netting some of these evil creeps!
Louisiana said…
scary...it shouldn't be an issue, if it was only a perfect world...
Anonymous said…
Wow he is really creepy. I love his little "halo" too thats a nice touch.

Kate said…
His eyes look as though you can read his thoughts, perhaps contemplating his next victim.
JJ said…
Very disconcerting image, powerful and thought provoking. The juxtaposition with the halo really adds to the seedyness of the image.
Dr.John said…
The picture has an evil feel to it. The really sad thing is that real predators come off as being the nicest people . If only theu had this kind of creepy look on the outside.
B.R.L said…
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Elissa L. said…
You are very talented. I have huge admirtion for those with artistic talent. Thanks for stopping by our humble little blog!
jafabrit said…
Oh your welcome punk rock mom and thanks :)
Unknown said…
This powerful work reminds us that we only see what people allow us to see of themselves. "Nice" is only a word . . .
dave said…
There is a distressing article in this month's Sojourner's magazine about the child sex trade in Atlanta.

Your painting speaks very eloquently to the banality of evil in these predators. So many of them are so ordinary seeming.
jafabrit said…
thanks Dave for dropping by and leaving a comment.

Sadly the trafficking of women and children continues to thrive :(

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