Art Plunger

Okay, this is how I feel when I have to use a plunger.


Anonymous said…
Ha! I love em! Bitchin and moanin! Tho I think i'd be cranky too if I'm about to be shoved into the bowl argggh

jafabrit said…
thanks for stopping by anon. glad you like the plunger :)
Michael said…
You are way cool.

Take Care
jafabrit said…
thanks Michael and thanks for stopping by :)
Janets Planet said…
Did you paint the rubber or just the handle? Too cool. Do you have multiple on hand? Think a few will probably become "public art".
Dr.John said…
Oddly enough that's how I feel when the plunger is needed. I am no art expert but this is interesting art.
jafabrit said…
Jan-I just painted the handle. I didn't actually paint the face onto the handle. I printed out a copy of one of my paintings and glued it on, then glazed it twice.

dr.john - well I don't normally choose this type of object to create art LOL, but since we needed toilet related things for the prizes I thought about decorated plungers.
This is awesome! Thanks for commenting on my blog again, isn't it amazing how people can be? Every time I tell someone I have to go to work, they say "Oh, you got a job?" As if I quit 'playing around' and got a 'real' job. Oh well, what do they know, right?

Have a wonderful day!

Paula :)
Cynthia said…
Ahhh the plunger, a sometimes necessary evil. I LOVE this one. I never thought about decorating one!!! Your group must be laughing up a storm as you brainstorm!
jafabrit said…
Well there is just the two of us doing the whole thing, but yes we are having a good laugh. nancy was over this morning going over jokes and poems that we will be posting on the walls for opening night. I have a stomach ache laughing.
Unknown said…
Hey, JB! Love the plunger! However comma I wouldn't want it lurking in the corner . . . staring at me! Yikes!
Unknown said…
Hey, looks like Dr. John has linked you! I got back here from there . . . or somewhere.
Lynette said…
OMG I love this I want a plunger like this, tooo cool!! :)
RGrantham said…
Hi Jafa,

I love this! I needed a good laugh today. My kids always run off with our plunger so when it's needed I definitely make a similiar face of OMG where is it.

jafabrit said…
I am glad it made you laugh rebecca, and thanks for stopping by.

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