1. women who have an attitude that says, this is me, this is my art
2. Creating what they want, when they want, how they want, and when they're in the mood.
3. Dictating their own terms when it comes to their art
4. Having fun with art, with life, with family, friends, pets.
5. About recognizing that being true to self is an essential tool in the pursuit of a meaningful and honorable life, one lived artfully and rich with being accepted and loved for who they are.
6.About having a bit of that old joi de vivre and carpe diem, coz life it just too short to be getting yer knickers in a twist over petty stuff and festering about what others think.

oh well, just my humble jafa opinon :)


Anonymous saidā€¦
Love, love, love it!
Your philosophy is so similar to mine...I love to, and must, create something beautiful.
Thanks for sharing your blog, it's great! I love this latest painting. It is fabulous!
Here's one of my websites:
Drop by. :)
jafabrit saidā€¦
thanks gigi :)

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