From Jafabrit

Happy New Year
Regular Posting will resume after I have recovered :)
Here are some thoughts for the New Year
screw the business of artOh well NOT quite, I will still be posting images of work for sale, which takes all of 5 secs (okay a bit more)
I am not putting down others who do so ( or the importance of laying the groundwork) but this really isn't about YOU.
This year I am divorcing myself even further from being concerned about the business of art.
It is too distracting.
This year it is going to be all about
The Doing of Art


Me too!! Hope your New year is happy and healthy! :D
Anonymous said…
Amen sister!
Happy New Year!
Cynthia said…
Here here! I'm with you - your photograph made me giggle too.

(In a good way.)
andrea said…
YAYAYAYAY! Love the photo ~ and I came to the exact same conclusion. 2006 was a good year for me economically (relatively speaking, of course!) making 2007 even more of a heartbreaker because I had something to compare it to. For 2008 it's back to the real business of making art -- which is not the business at all. I feel all optimistic now. :) Happy New Year!
dinahmow said…
Gee! I'm rather glad I'm only doing it for fun!
Have a wonderfully productive year, because in your book, productive= happy.
(And go have a look at the cool links
at Andrea's place!)
EvilEyeDesigns said…
You're so silly!! Hey, now we both have a blog- we'll probably be on this as much as we are on the phone :)
Heather said…
I just said the same thing last night ot Mate Man! No more sweating out the biz end...I had a great 2006 in sales and all that...2007 was dismal by comparison, which through me into a all or nothing marketing frenzy...and now...2008 is going to be all about just working in studio and running art auctions to clear out the studio from an overload of work. Yippeee!!!! It's just too much to be creator and marketer and still want to create, it drained all the art out of me...through my now larger ass because I spent much of the year in front of the computer trying to find ways to make it all work again. Screw that!
I love your picture, you crazzzzy grrrrl you! Happy New Year to you and yours! Much Love.
Casey Klahn said…
ckw said…
YAY! cheers!
cute pic ofya.
Anonymous said…
lol.. funny pic ;-)

And as much as I think artists should do small business courses, I also think that sometimes we have to just forget business and marketing and all that commercial crap that has nothing to do with the creative process.
Anonymous said…
happy new year
Madame Butterfly!
spuggzzz xx
Girl, you crack me up. Have a great healthy New Year.
Synchronicity said…
and happy new year to you too my friend! love the image of you...smiling here.
Spoon of life said…
I LOVE THIS hehehe you're the best!!!

Lots of love to you my friend and let's rock this 2008:D

There's a little "gift" in my blog;)
The Videos are finaaaallllyyy up;)
Margot Potter said…
HA! Love that photo! You cheeky monkey you!

I think if it's not feeding your soul, it's pointless. If you can make it work for you and still be passionate about it, that's a totaly bonus. Do what pleases you, my friend and you will be happy.

Rock the New Year!

YOU stun and amaze me. i cannot express the delight I a feeling at seeing this remarkable picture!
L.M.Noonan said…
hey gorgeous...I agree let's all just DO IT! Caught up with David Howard last night and had a decent chin wag about art, art and more art, it raining, we were mud spattered, high on musical ether and tired...fanbloodytastic.
happy New Years Eve.
Steppen Wolf said…
Have a great one ahead!!
Janets Planet said…
Interesting. I feel like I have laid the groundwork for alot of things and have planted many seeds. So I think that some of that "tough" work may be over -- or at least easier to do and the planted seeds will begin to grow.

It will be fun to see what you do with the new attitude.

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