Hamster in a Teacup

It took forever to make our pet russian dwarf hamster,Crisy, sit still long enough for me to take a pic. This is back in the day, in the late 80's when I was using film so I had no idea if any of the shots would work out. This one became a poster and hung in the house for years. Crisy is long gone, and biscuit bear, alas came to an ignoble end when my yorkie snuck off with it and gave it "wot" for.
But we still have this lovely poster.


crpitt said…
Aww I love this! Although I feel bad for Biscuit Bear :(

Hope you are well! Finally catching up on blog reading and thought I would say hello :)
jafabrit said…
Hey haven't seen you for ages, thanks for dropping by :)
Hope all is well.

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