Speaking Out

"stop the silence"

Very often a victim is silenced and he/she hovers in the background blending in but if you open your eyes you can see.

"Darkness to Light, confronting child sexual abuse with courage"
it does take courage
It will turn your world upside down, alienate family who don't want to accept their brother, uncle, father, husband, grandfather, could possibly abuse YOUR child. It will change your life. It will shatter your marriage, and your children's lives, but in the end, you will have done something all abuse victims pray for.
An end

I submitted an image of my work "promise not to tell" to
Break the Silence Project
thanks Shana for letting me know about this


shana goetsch said…
you may be interested in this as well...
i think they are still taking submissions, for anyone who is interested.
and also, it's National Crime Victims' Rights Week in the US

my last post is all about it too.
jafabrit said…
thanks shana, will check it out.
Ralph Ivy said…
"Concrete Angel." Powerful. Almost too emotional to watch. The little girl. The little boy. Both victims. And the film/song also touches on an almost untouchable aspect of child abuse - it is not only males who do unspeakable things.

I was once a child. I was innocent. I suffered my own trauma. Not from my father. He was away, serving during WW2. A man with my mother hurt me. My mother was there. She assured me I was only having a bad dream. It was a nightmare I placed so deep in myself I was 39 years old, undergoing mental health counseling, that that hidden nightmare surfaced. It took some years for me to forgive my mother.
If she had not told me it was "only a bad dream" maybe I could have confronted the truth and worked toward healing much earlier in my life.

Thank you for "Stop the silence."

You are a committed artist.
jafabrit said…
Ralph, that is tough to hear. I hope with forgiveness came a peace of mind, a healing of sorts. Thanks for your sweet comments :)
shana goetsch said…
i am glad you submitted something! i think it's a really great venue.

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