FAF piece: Greed

Lucite box, paper money, plastic skull
made in china stamped on bottom of box

Now that the 6 month obligation for Third Friday Fling in the Springs is over I will be getting back to doing pieces of work that make more of a statement. We were putting out about 20 to 25 pieces of work for free each month, so we had to make quick and fun pieces. The jafa girls will be getting back to doing just a few pieces now and again and on any given Friday.

So I guess if anybody thinks there is a dollar inside the box and opens it they will find a zero dollar printed on paper, all crisp and new and useless.


David Howard said…
Why is money such an issue? I have wanted to be an artist since a boy in school and when young I dreamed of creating my ideas as some sort of authentication of my life. As an adult, money and the issues of adults have squeezed the little boy to blazes. One must return to ones first love as a child.

All the best with the your art.
Undaunted said…
"One must return to ones first love as a child"

Amen to that.

This is a great piece Jafabrit! I love the thought that the skull brings to mind (to my mind anyway) - that some people would die in their quest for riches. It makes the box seem almost like a coffin.
Heather said…
I want more than anything to join in on the free art in yellow springs....I live in KY so I can't...and here I've worked to get something started and people are just not into it at all. Is there an application process for me to join the JAFA free art club? I could make a contribution every month too, and mail it to you. Just a thought...I want in on the fun...the bluegrass state is too uptight for my JAFA needs! Send Help.
jafabrit said…
HEather there is a flickr group called Free Art Fridays and members are from all over the world. Sometimes they put out calls for work for exhibits and pieces.

I would be very glad to put out a piece of yours for faf.
Even if they are uptight in KY regards jafa needs, you can still put found art out, photograph it and get it seen on flickr and by fellow faf's :)

arg, David, I can at least say I am in a community where the glorification of money and greed are seen with disdain.

I like your take on the faf piece undaunted, and so true.

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