The Tootsie Tree

You could get three people inside this tree in Glen Helen (a beautiful preserve in Yellow Springs, Oh). It isn't standing now, storms and age felled her. At the time though we decided to call it the Tootsie tree because we spread Toots ashes on the mossy river bank next to the tree. So every time we walk in this beautiful glen we smile thinking of our toots there and a little piece of our history as a family.



Michael said…
I love old trees.

This one is beautiful indeed.

Take Care
jafabrit said…
Me too michael. The wonderful thing about the glen is they don't remove the trees that have fallen. They became part of the landscape. So the tootsie tree is still there, on its side forming a little bridge across the creek bed.
Digitalgran said…
I love your tree and I wish I could see the apple tree that was so important to members of my family. I'm sure it will have been cut down by now. I last saw it about 50 years ago and my GM was the last person in the family to live there.
I will let my friend Joan know how much you enjoyed her dolls.
Unknown said…
The Glen sounds like an amazing place! I can imagine getting lost there with my camera . . .

I love the idea of the 'in situ' fallen trees. Just like a natural forest!
Anonymous said…
So sad about your lil dog, but what a lovely way to remember.

jafabrit said…
thanks anon.
Lynette said…
I would love to walk quietly through here with my digi camera so lovely and green. I'm glad they leave the trees natural after they fall as it probably makes homes for lots of little critters. Magical.

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